Stomach growls......... Why do I feel this way
Its soo crazy what emotions can do to you...its even crazier what an accidental...or maybe a fateful meeting could do to you....its crazy how much you could miss a person...but have only met once
Crazy..well yes, but not incredibly far fetched, and definatley not impossible...
I don't what you've done to me, and I don't know how you've done it...but it takes that extra special something, to make me not salivate over McDreammy and McSteamy, staring at me across the dance floor...it takes just that extra shimmer of confidence..and of course personality, to make me believe that there is such a thing as a "good guy" left in our fucked up society.
I don't know if its my love-goggles talking, or is it possible to find real love..and is it really true that God has placed the perfect soul-mate for each and everyone of us (yes, although there are about twice the amount of women then they are men)...but thanx to you...maybe, just maybe, I might believe in something called a relationship...maybe, just maybe...I might be able to bring my walls down a little...maybe, just maybe I might reconstruct my very rigid ideas on men...just maybe...
.....I hope im not living in euphoria, cause it would be a great loss of possibility...and a kick ass/swaGGed out Mademoiselle
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